Cloud-Clone Corp.
The Training Meeting was held on the 1st floor of the Eco&Tech Development zone Bureau, 21st, Apr. The USCN, as well as other 120 technologist from about 70 enterprise was invited. They discussed about topics on how to promote the Economic development in the Zone.
On the meeting, Mr. Zhou, Yunfeng, who is from the Provincial department of Technology explained many aspects related to the Hi-tech enterprise certification, for example, the conditions, procedure, standard and Concessions for Tax. Then, Mr. Lee, section chief of the Provincial department of Technology, declared that all the Hi-tech enterprises should have a independent accounts and a mature management system. Shicheng, Yan, investigator of the Economic Development Department explained the importance of the patent.If the enterprise want to transfer their patent to another, they will need to experience many procedure and should prepare  a series of documents that are systemic and effective. At last, conventioners got a chance to ask questions to the Eco&Dev Department, thus they would better understand the policy of the government.