B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L)


DLNB11; B-cell lymphoma 9-like protein

B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L)
Bcl9L has a nuclear localization signal, but no signal peptide or transmembrane domain. The deduced mouse protein shares 94% identity with human BCL9L. In silico analysis of human mRNAs indicated that BCL9L is expressed in fetal brain, adult lung, amygdala, eye, and prostate, as well as in several types of tumors. RNA interference of BCL9-2 in carcinoma cells induced an epithelial phenotype and translocated beta-catenin from the nucleus to the cell membrane. The switch between the adhesive and transcriptional functions of beta-catenin was modulated by tyrosine phosphorylation of beta-catenin, which favored BCL9-2 binding and precluded interaction with alpha-catenin. During zebrafish embryogenesis, Bcl9-2 acted in the Wnt8 signaling pathway and regulated mesoderm patterning.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Proteins n/a Recombinant B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Recombinant Protein Customized Service Offer
Antibodies n/a Monoclonal Antibody to B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Monoclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
n/a Polyclonal Antibody to B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Polyclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
Assay Kits SEE580Hu ELISA Kit for B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Antigen Detection.

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Proteins n/a Recombinant B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Recombinant Protein Customized Service Offer
Antibodies n/a Monoclonal Antibody to B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Monoclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
n/a Polyclonal Antibody to B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Polyclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

Proteins n/a Recombinant B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Recombinant Protein Customized Service Offer
Antibodies n/a Monoclonal Antibody to B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Monoclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
n/a Polyclonal Antibody to B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) Polyclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 9 Like Protein (Bcl9L) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer
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