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ELISA Kit for P-Selectin (SELP)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane


This assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of P-Selectin (SELP).
No significant cross-reactivity or interference between P-Selectin (SELP) and analogues was observed.


Matrices listed below were spiked with certain level of recombinant P-Selectin (SELP) and the recovery rates were calculated by comparing the measured value to the expected amount of P-Selectin (SELP) in samples.

Matrix Recovery range (%) Average(%)
serum(n=5) 98-105 102
EDTA plasma(n=5) 85-96 92
heparin plasma(n=5) 90-102 98


Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level P-Selectin (SELP) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively.
Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level P-Selectin (SELP) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate.
CV(%) = SD/meanX100
Intra-Assay: CV<10%
Inter-Assay: CV<12%


The linearity of the kit was assayed by testing samples spiked with appropriate concentration of P-Selectin (SELP) and their serial dilutions. The results were demonstrated by the percentage of calculated concentration to the expected.

Sample 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:16
serum(n=5) 96-105% 90-104% 88-103% 85-101%
EDTA plasma(n=5) 98-105% 98-105% 91-99% 97-104%
heparin plasma(n=5) 95-102% 92-101% 78-98% 86-94%


The stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition.
To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.

Reagents and materials provided

Reagents Quantity Reagents Quantity
Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate 1 Plate sealer for 96 wells 4
Standard 2 Standard Diluent 1×20mL
Detection Reagent A 1×120µL Assay Diluent A 1×12mL
Detection Reagent B 1×120µL Assay Diluent B 1×12mL
TMB Substrate 1×9mL Stop Solution 1×6mL
Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate) 1×20mL Instruction manual 1

Assay procedure summary

1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;
2. Add 100µL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 1 hours at 37°C;
3. Aspirate and add 100µL prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37°C;
4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;
5. Add 100µL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37°C;
6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;
7. Add 90µL Substrate Solution. Incubate 10-20 minutes at 37°C;
8. Add 50µL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately.



Magazine Citations
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Free Radical Biology and Medicine Involvement of nitric oxide with activation of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in mice with dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis Pubmed:24992835
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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Molecular mechanisms of lead-induced changes of selenium status in mice livers through interacting with selenoprotein P
Thrombosis Research Feasibility study of use of rabbit blood to evaluate platelet activation by medical devices Pubmed: 31838449
JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE Polycaprolactone vascular graft with epigallocatechin gallate embedded sandwiched layer-by-layer functionalization for enhanced antithrombogenicity and anti … Pubmed: 31982435
OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY The Inhibition of P-Selectin Reduced Severe Acute Lung Injury in Immunocompromised Mice Pubmed: 32377309
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Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine Construction of a rabbit model with vinorelbine administration via peripherally inserted central catheter and dynamic monitoring of changes in phlebitis and thrombosis Pubmed:35126715
Catalog No. Related products for research use of Homo sapiens (Human) Organism species Applications (RESEARCH USE ONLY!)
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